Cypress Home Care has been a provider of home healthcare services since 1999.
Yes, all caregivers are Cypress Home Care employees. They are all covered by Cypress Home Care’s workers compensation and liability insurance policies. In addition, Cypress Home Care is responsible for all tax withholding and employer contributions for federal and state unemployment insurance.
All caregivers undergo thorough interviewing, testing, and screening prior to employment. This includes a pre-employment assessment survey that shows past performance behavior and predicts future performance behavior, extensive criminal background checks, reference checks, license verifications, driver record screenings, skills assessment tests, and formal home care training. All hiring and training practices are completed prior to caregivers being assigned to a home care client.
Yes, Cypress Home Care encourages families and clients to take advantage of our free ~ no obligation care assessments. We also provide free ~ home care safety evaluations.
After meeting with the client and family, a Cypress care coordinator creates a care plan. Our caregivers are expected to follow that care plan which is periodically reviewed and updated to ensure our clients’ needs are being met.
A Cypress care coordinator regularly performs supervisory visits in the client’s home to evaluate their performance. In addition, all service notes are reviewed to ensure our caregivers are following our care plan. Performance evaluations are conducted semi-annually on every caregiver.
There are no minimum service requirements. Cypress Home Care provides services from 1 to 24 hours per day.
Yes, a Cypress Home Care employee answers the phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We believe this level of customer service is essential to providing outstanding care and service to our clients.
Serving Mid-Michigan and Surrounding Area for over 26 years.
Not sure if your loved one really needs home health care, or how much help they need?
Cypress Home Care provides complimentary assessments to determine your exact needs.
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