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Traumatic Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Care

For individuals living with a traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, the changes in lifestyle can feel devastating and catastrophic.

In addition to dealing with their physical recovery, people face a period of emotional recovery. Whether they have trouble speaking or thinking clearly after a traumatic brain injury or can no longer walk after a spinal cord injury, they have lost part of a way they used to be. Losses are painful and sad. They represent an end to something – and this ending creates an emotional wound.

Cypress Home Care understands the complex and vastly differing needs of our patients living with such traumas. Whether these changes are temporary or permanent, our specially trained caregivers will assist patients to feel more in control of their environment and lifestyle.

Common challenges in caring for Traumatic Brain Injury patients include: memory loss, confusion, amnesia, short attention span, inability to solve problems or use good judgment, poor balance and/or coordination, muscle spasms, swallowing problems, slow speech, irritability, anxiety, frustration, agitation, and mood swings.

Spinal Cord Injury challenges include: paralysis, muscle spasms, breathing difficulties, swallowing problems, loss of sensation to certain body parts, loss of bladder function and bowel function control, edema, and pressure sores.

We have an extensive understanding of practical methods for effectively coping with these traumas. Cypress caregivers undergo special training in caring for Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury patients, and are skilled in providing a level of care and companionship that addresses these needs.

Our specially trained TBI caregivers provide the following:

  • Practice patience ~ let the patient set the pace
  • Develop a consistent routine that meets the needs of the patient
  • Encourage patients to master simple tasks
  • Maximize patient’s independence
  • Understand setbacks and frustration are a normal part of living with a TBI
  • Keep personal space tidy and minimize distractions
  • Keep conversations simple using short sentences
  • Speak slowly and calmly when patient behaves aggressively
  • Alternate periods of mental or physical activity with rest breaks

Our specially trained SCI caregivers provide the following:

  • Provide support when patient feels angry or depressed
  • Take our time when moving or positioning paralyzed patients
  • Observe and document activities that create pain
  • Develop a routine of healthy eating and sleep habits
  • Measure I & O carefully and monitor urinary catheter bags
  • Help patients with bowel programs
  • Keep skin clean and dry and change position every 2 hours